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Making a RTS game #47: … and loading back our game scene data! (Unity/C#)
Let’s keep working on our game scene and see how to deserialise the previous session data on load!
⬅️ Tutorial #46: Saving our game scene data… | TOC | Interlude #3: Showing our updated minimaps in the menu ➡️
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Last week, we talked about binary serialisation and we saw how to store info on our current game session in binary files. We focused on how to go from C# objects to binary-formattable data. Today, it’s time to do the reverse: we will implement our deserialisation process to load the data back and restore our previous state!
A note about the reload logic
Before we dive into the actual implementation, we just need to think for a while about execution order and dependencies.
The overall idea is obviously to:
- check the game current UID
- load the matching data file if it exists (or else ignore the load part and use the defaults)
- use this info to setup the various scene parameters